Monday, May 3, 2010

AGreenRecycledWedding Plan

AGreenRecycledWedding Plan:
Our plan is to create: Green Recycled Weddings that are affordable. These weddings will supporting local, sustainable, eco friendly practices by the help of the community, uniting together the Green Vision and create the Dream Wedding!

For AGreenRecycledWedding it comes down to 3 things:
~The Green Factor
~The Affordable Factor
~The Community Factor

How did we come up with this idea?

We decided we would like our dream wedding and know that on an average a wedding can cost $20,000 to $30,000. This is out of the city cost and does not typically include the honeymoon. That could be about the same price as paying for intuition at a local college. Just think about it!

We have family and would also like to continue building our life so why spend so much money? Even if it is not as substantial as $30,000 it can still be very costly.

Woman dream of having her perfect day, this day along with the birth of a child. These two coming from a woman's heart I would say would be 2 of the biggest days in our lives. So why not have it be perfect and be everything you dreamed it being with out going broke or missing out on investing that into your home, family and future?

Receptions could easily cost $125 a person. Ouch! Even at $65 a person it can add up to astronomical amounts even when you do not have the large extended family coming into town for your wedding.

For many of us, it is neither feasible nor affordable to have a wedding cost this much. Especially nowadays when there are so many resources and with the economy a lot of people in the community are available to help chip in to reduce cost, reduce waste and really make a wedding that is not only affordable but also green and recycled. We can reduce the waste that would typically go back into our environments. Instead we will be reducing carbon emissions. It can be pretty amazing when community comes together and achieves something not only for the love of 2 people getting married but also do out of the love for our planet!

We would love to get married and be able to invest our money into our future for us, our family and most importantly our planet by keeping our wedding green, recycled and affordable. We achieve this with the help of folks like you that decide to join in and help with not only our wedding but other weddings too.

So, it is time to pull out those wedding dresses, wedding favor, talents, flowers out of your garden and inspiration and love flowing from your heart and create weddings for couples in celebration of love from ourselves, to marriage, to family, to community and most importantly to the earth. Thank you for coming on by. We look forward to creating amazing weddings; recycled, green, affordable and with a big dose of love from community.

When you start doing your research on weddings and the cost it can become a frenzy and put you through a whirl wind with the cost of a wedding none-the less the honeymoon. Many weddings of which at the end of the wedding day becomes trashed and can be very unfriendly to the environment. This included that wedding dress that gets hung in the closet to be left there for that could help bring joy to some other lady on the biggest day of her life; her wedding.

And for those that have no big deal spending an extravagant amount of money on their weddings they could direct their intentions towards green and sustainable means. This means reusing what is already available in some cases or donating items after the wedding to others that would really appreciate it. They can choose to work with businesses that are using more sustainable practices. Lastly, they can have some of the money used on their wedding to be contributed to local charities that will go back into their local community, and help out other folks in giving their advice and hand to create another couple's dream wedding as well.

I have always been a recycle nut. I am an Aquarius. Aquarius’s are forward thinkers, pondering of what is next and what will be the way of our future. I love recycling, cleaning the litter off the streets and enjoy tag sales, thrift shops, Freecycle, free spot on the Craigslist as well as countless other means.

My fiancé Brian grew up with a family that was so conscious of the environment and knew how to reuse and create beauty. Within his house growing up has many treasures including antique roof rafters and using the trees from their land to mill and use for their home. His family and out family is big on using what is already available to us and leaving less of a footprint on this earth as well as less of a dent on the wallet. We love the bartering system and trade. We also love giving our time to help others out while being as green possible and always with lots of love in our hearts as we create each moment in our life.

We would like to keep creating less steps left on the earth as well as love, love, love this world and all who reside in it. We shall continue to keep creating and building community and inspire others to see what they can achieve with a little imagination, the heart and by working with their neighbors. We look forward to you being a part of the journey.

We ask you to comment below and let us know how you would like to contribute.
Would you like to help with flowers?
Would you like to help with the dresses or tuxedos?
Would you like to give your advice and input?

Remember folks, this vision we have involves you! So come join us on our exciting journey as we create our dream wedding and yours too. And if you have a wedding up feel free to comment and we will be happy to help put our input and give our guidance to create your dream green wedding, recycled and affordable and created by the community!

Have a beautiful and glistening day my friends!

May 3rd, 2010

If anyone knows how to setup a paypal and connect us to our site that would be very appreciated. Just leave a comment below! Thanks!!

Friday, April 30, 2010

AGreenRecycledWedding: Mr and Mrs Beaver Swimming Together


Beavers are builders, and are all about creating community. They build the foundation and structure and bring family together. They also dam up streams and rivers, creating sustainable eco systems, we call communities. A community can be a sustainable eco system properly. Step in the world lightly. Smile and love. Be held and let live. Let go and forgive.

Now learn from our amazing spirit friends!

How are you creating and what are you doing to bring community together?

AGreenRecycledWedding: Who are we? We are LOVE!!

Today was wonderful. As always, with me I carry a smile of love of expression of life. Everywhere I go, I always ask people this: "What are you Passionate about?", "What gets you Smiling?", and “What do YOU Love to do?"

In life I found the most important aspects of life are: the preciousness of breath and all of life, so I give gratitude everyday for all that I am grateful for. I am even more grateful when things may seem otherwise, the road is a little bumpier; the hike is a little steeper, metaphorically speaking. I always know that what seems to be one thing is just a disguise for some valuable discovery that will give us the opportunity for us to stay in our love, our light and Be Who We Are! A situation arises that we may not choose to be in. The questions can go on... why is this happening? Why me? And on the story goes.

So, when this happens, many have found it best just go back to stillness. Take some deep breaths and just let go. When we allow ourselves to feel the feelings we may tend to want to stay away from, Something Amazing Happens. Our feelings, our heart, and our body always give an indication of where we are in regards to being in our wholeness, to being in alignment with who We Really Are!! So if something in you gets stirred up, it is showing you a part of you that is asking to be looked at. It calls for our 100% nurturing, for acceptance, for appreciation which all falls into the unconditional love factor. God, Spirit, however you look at it wants you to be fully abundant, fully radiant and be filled with love, both receiving and giving. Feel that your cup runneth over...Life knows you are worth it and you deserve the best. This goes out to each and every one of you. If you go to a baby, a young child, an animal, plants etc. you will find they have no judgment. They are in the gift of innocence, their love flows freely and they know no limit on how much love is available.

When we go back to the simplicity in life, the innocence of the awe-like wonder we remember as a child, we hear the birds sing, how nature feels to be in, the sun as it moves across the sky, the vastness of the stars and galaxy at night, and we go back to that place of the womb. We return to ourselves. We return to purity, we return to the true meaning of life.

Love is what you make it, and how you perceive it!

And no matter what you have been through, are going through, have done, are doing or creating, everything is really ok. All you have to do is look around you in those simplicities, and counting up those perhaps forgotten blessings that have been raking up along the way.

We can start unraveling the onion of all that we compiled, that we decided was the way life is and is always going to be, how the world works, how love is, and most importantly WHO WE ARE!

We have what we learned growing up, we learned from our family and peers. We also were taught from our institutions, our doctors, our media, and our society. There is a conditioning that can take place, a false belief of Who We Are. But have you ever thought about Who YOU Are?

Have you asked: "Who is it that I am when I leave behind everything that everyone has ever told me, or I have experienced as a result of things happening to me?"

Have you asked; "What do I have when I take off the masks, and outfits of all these labels and jobs, hobbies etc. that I identify who creates this me I have represented to the world?"

Have you asked; "What could I do, if I did not have any of these conditions, labels, prefixes, crutches etc?" "What kind of person could I become?" "What would I love to be and do?"

It comes down and back to you! Once you take the initiative, you can completely turn your life into the person you have always been inside, do the once unimaginable and fully live your life in happiness. Anything is possible if you put your mind to it!! This world is truly your oyster.

We are worth all the riches and gold, of abundance and love!
We can really access the gift and power of love, allowing us to fully transform our lives! We learn we can be guided by our hearts. When we gain this ability to reach into our hearts, we can see the pure truth and guidance in which we seek. It is available right now to us, always. You can learn to soften up and begin to be not only Compassionate with others but most importantly be Compassionate with YOU!

You get in touch with this amazing person, YOU.
By opening your heart you allow to heal, and allow love to flow in and out of yourself. Think about it! I heard recently an interesting revelation about the heart, and it is so simple, but it is so true. If our heart, our actual Heart's valves closed they are closed right? If these valves of the Heart are closed, then we restrict the flow of LOVE. But, If the heart’s valves are open we can receive and allow the flow to go in and out.

So it is most essential that we get back to us, we get back to who we really are. Who we came here to be, when we signed up for this life, for us to fulfill our destiny and our place to sharing in this great divine planet to bring and share the love and healing for all.

So establish this relationship with YOU! Because you are worth it!!

Get back to nature, and get back to what is natural to what is pure inside of you.


“You cannot teach a man anything; you can only help him to find it within himself.”
-- Galileo

I am here with my vision of AGreenRecycledWedding with a dream of creating more than just the focus of bringing sustainability into the world of weddings. I have a dream of knitting community back together at the roots, with us all restructuring our foundation and relationships to ourselves and our world, from local to global. We can achieve anything when we have powerful willful intent, pure love, direction, guidance, hope and most importantly mutual empowerment and support to one another in our working together to rebuild our beautiful planet, one community at a time. Thanks again for being a part of my journey. Any comments really are appreciated as they give me inspiration and more direction as everything comes full circle.

Thank you.


Saturday, April 24, 2010

Why aGreenRecycledWedding?

Why aGreenRecycledWedding you ask? When we decided to get married as you willl be able to read in our next post is that we love recycling and love being green!

We are some of the many people who use craigslist's free and barter section and use yahoo group's freecycle. If you are interested in learning more on how to be a part of the green and recycle movement please comment below with any questions so we can share more with you!

So when planning a wedding we decided we were going to make it green and what better way but to recycle. I love the person who came up with: reduce, reuse and recycle. What better way to be sustainable then to create a green wedding. So we decided that with the help of others in our communities we could have our dream wedding.

As we talked to people it soon became apparent that this was much larger then we thought. Everyone loves the idea of a wedding that is afforable and even free, and the concept of having sustainability be a main focus to be more green friendly to our environment!

So we decided to create this means through the internet to connect via the web. We love hearing feedback so we look forward to hearing your responses below in how you feel about a agreenrecycledwedding! We are always welcome to volunters and donations so others can have their dream wedding too. By helping us As other help us this enables us to help others in creating their green recycled weddings

Again, thank you for taking the time to come to our blog about staying green in the wedding scene!

Love is Infinite

~Auria & Brian

Friday, April 23, 2010

AGreenRecycledWedding: Inner pools Reflection

Meditate on this:
Outer world is Illusion, Inner world is Truth. SO go IN to Find TRUTH.

Within is the Eternal undying everlasting.

In the illusion of the world, everything seems to constantly die and be born.
Constant changes.
Inside in the seat of god is nothing.
We seek to fulfill but then we begin to empty.
We release the need of anything and the need to know.
There is no need to know anything.
Any question you ask, when dropped into silence becomes.
Eternal mirror and spirit arises thy truth.
It all goes back to the same place.
Never needed was there anything needed to achieve anything.
If there is only moment and the internal eternal everlasting is within looking
inside and dropping everything then we release the control, desires and attachments to
all that is external and off in anywhere but here in the present moment.

Everytime I think I know, that I know better. I realize I do not know.
I smile and play in complete innocence and feel the whole of life unfolding.
Thus death and birth are one. Completion and emptiness are whole.
All unites and is equal. In every moment. Surrendering...

So We "Just Become"
We "Just Be"


A reflection is just that, reflecting.

It shows what is in that moment.

It can not show the future or past, it reveals truth alone and complete in this very moment.
Thank you.

Love is Infinite
~Brian & Auria

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Introduction to: A Green Recycled Wedding

AGreenRecycledWedding is all about being; eco conscious, sustainable and affordable. We created this blog to bring community together to bring the dream wedding into a reality. Many of us dream and desire the perfect wedding that is affordable, and who can say no to a green wedding. What more perfect than creating a place where we can show you our journey as well as you be a part of this green recycled wedding explosion! We aspire to inspire you, our brothers and sisters that you too can have a recycled free wedding too. Our next post will have what we are looking to manifest at our green and recycled wedding in August of 2010. We will be sharing with you the: why, what, who, when, where and how!

Thank you for being part of the journey!

Love is Infinite

~Brian & Auria